SW&A Advantage

There are three distinct advantages to incorporating SW&A into your overall corporate training programs and development objectives.

First, SW&A brings a collaborative approach to any program. While some companies want us to simply run a training program, most companies want us to drive change. That means we need to understand your key audiences, your communication situations and the inconsistencies you’re seeing. We make it our business to understand your business before a program begins. This helps us focus on what training and coaching can resolve. Every opportunity begins with a consulting call to get to know your team and to put our team to work on a solution.

Second, SW&A tailors the format of our programs to address specific interests or communication challenges unique to your group. Some groups combine elements of our programs into a two-day format; others add a follow-up day for assessment and accelerated results. All of it is part of our ability to take what we know and put it into practice in your unique situations. Through tailored case studies and exercises, we can ensure that your group not only expands their skill set but has actionable experiences and examples that can be applied the day they leave our program. It’s our formula to ensure that training sticks and can be leveraged as a common skill set across your organization.

Third, our instructors are coaches and our coaches are instructors. That means that we aren’t just teaching from a training manual. We teach and coach from experiences that combine methodology with practical knowledge. We’re a small team with deep experience, and we leverage that experience across all of our corporate training programs. This ensures continuity across multiple programs and allows us to incorporate ideas from one program to the next. So, you can rest assured that our entire team is familiar with the work and ready to support the outcomes.