
Sometimes, companies jump ahead of training and development and look for a resource who can deliver immediate impact.

Whether you’re trying to unite an organization, position a new direction, or bring others along on the journey, we’re the trusted resource to craft messages, package your innovative ideas and create the compelling storyline that gets remembered and repeated. Because who better to produce the final product than a team of experts in the impact, influence and the power of communication.

Our consulting work includes:

Conference Theme & Message Design

Event formats are challenging with multiple speakers, multiple messages and numerous sound bites that don’t always connect to an overall theme. SW&A can help you connect the storyline threads to ensure that listeners have clear takeaways and compelling direction from your event. It starts with the conference objectives and drills down to each individual speaker so that key messages are set, and each speaker has the support they need to develop a strong storyline and deliver it with conviction.

Storyline Development

When communication goes beyond one presenter to a storyline that can be leveraged by an entire department, it takes a robust outline, talk track, a visual deck and some best practices on delivering it. From the sales pitch to the marketing initiative or product roll-out, we create all the pieces to support your messaging and a compelling storyline to illustrate it.

Most clients need consistency in messaging and flexibility in adoption so that any presenter can hit the key themes and find their own voice in how they deliver it. We guide the full process from building the elements, to training the team and coaching individuals to make it their own.

Communication Plan

Leaders have to be repetitive with messages in order to have an impact on groups, but often executive communications are built one presentation at a time. Consistency and visibility aren’t leveraged as they could be. We can set direction for an executive communication plan and create the storyline and message that helps each leader establish thought leadership, validate vision and strategies, and gain momentum from repeatable concepts.

Facilitated Strategy & Planning Sessions

SW&A often leverages our process for creating content to guide teams through the development of a multi-year strategic plan. We take on the facilitation role to gather inputs and insights that shape the big ideas within a plan. Then, we leverage our tools to draft the plan and prioritize the work, and finally, we introduce new and creative ways to communicate a plan across an organization.

M&A Support & Pitch Presentations

When a company reaches a milestone and wants capital to finance growth and expansion, the ability to tell the company story becomes critical. It seems easy as your leaders have been telling the company story for years. Many leaders founded the business, and their personal story is a part of the company’s beginnings.

But it isn’t easy. Because the investor audience is looking for a different element of the story. Investors care less about where the company has been and more about where the company could go. Most companies tell their story from the inside out, from their products and services to viability in the marketplace. SW&A shifts the investor story to lead from the outside in, taking investors from marketplace trends and opportunities to the company’s ability to leverage them.