Individual Coaching

Individual Coaching

Coaching leverages the SW&A methodology in a different kind of way.

Coaching starts with outcomes and an understanding of a leader’s communication situations and key audiences. We focus on the individual and his/her strengths and inconsistencies. Then, we build a customized plan to strengthen those inconsistencies. Once we have a plan, we follow a three-step process that flexes to the needs of the individual and the priorities of their business situations.

Impactful coaching is not a parallel activity that leaders turn on and off when they have time to explore it. Instead, coaching becomes a sounding board, a partner, and a resource who joins in real time to help a leader find a better way and a more durable approach. Over time, the coaching inputs become a new set of habits and tools.

Coaching as a leadership development catalyst happens over time and gives us the runway to engage in many situations and support overall growth and development.

A typical engagement is six months. But since there’s rarely anything typical about a custom engagement, we let you define the parameters and priorities with us.

Some coaching is less about development and more about support for a specific event or a single moment in time.

Media Coaching

Success in a media interview is based on preparation. While leaders get realms of preparation on desired outcomes and prepared messages, the leader still has to find a way to own the sound bites and deliver them in a convincing manner.

We coach leaders through an SW&A messaging document that focuses a conversation on key messages and repeatable sound bites. And once the tools are in place, we shift our focus to the communicator and offer guidance on how to appear credible and focused under pressure.

Speech Writing & Keynotes

Some events are just more important than others. It’s the annual kick-off, the industry conference or the launch of a multi-year growth initiative. And while it’s one moment in time, there’s a lot riding on the ability to leverage that moment in many ways. So, the message has to be durable, repeatable and compelling. When the stakes are high, we help a leader raise the bar by crafting the storyline and embedding the stories that turn big ideas into easy examples that sell services, align employees and rally teams toward a new direction.

Career Next Steps & Resets

In an interview, coaching comes down to a single conversation that could change the course of a career path. A career narrative is how a person talks about themselves and their achievements in an interview format. We build the tools and align an individual to take a proactive stance on positioning their skills as experiences.

Most people align their previous roles to a new opportunity. At SW&A, we know how to think beyond what an individual has done to package what someone could do based on skills and experiences. We repackage and reposition a candidate’s experience to highlight skills aligned to an opportunity. And we find the personal stories that illustrate those experiences and validate the business outcomes achieved.