Last year, I spent a lot of time on airplanes which can lead to a lot of introductory conversations. And when you introduce yourself as a communication coach, most seatmates have questions. The most common one …
‘Twas the Night before the Keynote, and all through backstage Every comms person was stirring, from Michael to Paige; The teleprompter was locked after much pleading and shouting, All edits were stopped, even though speakers were …
Every year, we support conferences, sometimes helping with a few keynotes and sometimes supporting the entire three-day production. Regardless of our role, our first step is to ask for the messaging document. But we rarely get …
It’s time to plan for the year ahead, leadership and L&D teams are outlining their plans against business priorities and focus. Since we work across a broad spectrum of clients, we can be an indicator of …
Our interest in people leaders and managers continues. So much so that it was our introductory topic for a recent Chief Learning Officer conference in Boston. As we opened the discussion, we wanted to know if …
When a company is up for sale, three key players take center stage: the current investor, the banker and the top executives. And while the PE firms and the bankers know their roles well, the company …
Do you speak the language of business? If you’re in a corporate function, there’s an easy way to tell. As a finance manager, are you the last person included in discussions of an upcoming initiative? As …
We’ve taken an interest in people managers since the beginning of the pandemic. Because as we supported different experiences across companies, we quickly saw the pressure point was people managers. And we wrote and coached about …
Why is it that the best communicators fall flat when put in a studio to produce a video? The seasoned communicators who’ve tried it will tell you it’s because it’s too scripted. They prefer a more …