Wrap it Up!

Oh, the year we’ve had was frightful
We didn’t find much delightful;
And that’s why we say “time is up”
Let’s wrap it up, wrap it up! wrap it up!
It didn’t show signs of stalling
So, we Zoomed in for workshops and calling;
We coached lights, mikes and how not to give up,
But now let’s wrap it up, wrap it up, wrap it up.
When we finally saw the screens fill
In your bedrooms, garages and kitchens;
We knew with the right set of skills
You would get through the worst of conditions.
And now the tough year is ending
We can focus on great new beginnings;
And this year, our message is clear
Wrap it up! Wrap it up! Wrap it up!
In keeping with our holiday tradition, we offer the light-hearted jingle to bring a smile to your year’s wrap-up. But we recognize that the year has brought more than frustration to some of our friends and clients. And so we add a prayer for healing, for health and for better times ahead.

From all of us to all of you… a joyful and restful Holiday.

Happy Holidays & Happy New Year!

SW&A Team