The Master Storyteller

Stories have a place in business communication. To illustrate and simplify complex ideas. To align employees to common goals. And to reveal how we think and feel in challenging situations.

But, mastering the skill of storytelling isn’t easy. It takes a person who is willing to be transparent, vulnerable and honest. It means admitting mistakes to help others believe in second chances or sharing personal growth to encourage others to strive for results. Every story has a conflict, and a great storyteller leads you to it and helps you believe it can be overcome.

Storytelling is both an art and a science. We teach the science and we coach the art, which allows us to help participants quickly gain competency and gradually master the skill. It’s the ultimate communication tool and the fastest way to results because stories bring clarity and conviction into a conversation and help a storyteller engage employees in a new direction or toward a different strategy.

TRAINING OVERVIEW: SW&A’s Master Storyteller program is a new, next-level experience for storytellers who want to engage, connect and empathize with every audience.

DAY ONE: The Messages of Stories

The first day sets the context by defining what audiences need from storytellers. We begin our workshop by challenging leaders to think about their role, employees’ expectations and how both perspectives are met with a communication strategy. Then, we introduce the structure of a storyline that helps leaders organize ideas in a clear and compelling way.

Key Components:
• Communication Expectations and Best Practices of Leaders
• Building Relatable Storylines that Engage the Listener
• Creating Memorable and Repeatable Stories


DAY TWO: The Presence of Storytellers

The second day shifts to the individual skills of each participant and the intentional choices that strengthen their brand and their ability to influence any audience.

Key Components:
• Establishing a Compelling Presence
• Delivering Impact with Confidence and Commitment
• Engaging an Audience of One or One Hundred

Interested in learning more about this program for you or your team?
Schedule a call with an SW&A Instructor today!